Value Racing Club

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New Horse - Shares Available

10-February-2015 16:29
in General
by Admin

I was at the Newmarket sales last Thursday bidding on just one horse for Value Racing Club. I’m pleased to inform the hammer dropped and I secured the animal for £9000gns, with tax VAT & auction costs the total price was just over £11,000.

The horse is question is called Kenobe Star, this is the second time I’ve purchased him, the first instance was in May last year at the breeze ups sales for £26,000 all in.

A long story short we purchased the horse May 2014 for the first time and was very happy with him. Kenobe Star was a big strong type but still weak as he hadn't filled his massive frame. We gave the horse plenty of time and the plan was to have one run in October of last year. Unfortunately his owner who lived abroad became very ill and I was told to sell all of his horses, hence Kenobe Star going through the ring again.

As Kenobe Star was purchased by a very good trainer for fair money but hadn’t been seen on the racetrack due to him needing time etc, all other bidders would have been under the impression the horse has a problem etc and was back at the sales to be got rid of, this was fair from correct.

What I hoped did indeed happen and that was the horse went on the market to cover his reserve and I secured him with just a couple of bids.

Newmarket trainer Chris Wall was chosen in the first instance to work with in securing a suitable type. Mr Wall is trained at Induna stables since 1992, Chris had a spell with Luca Cumani as his Assistant Trainer and before that in a similar role with Sir Mark Prescott. Induna stables has room for 60 horses and is one of the smaller yards in Newmarket, this was one of the reasons why Chris was chosen.

Chris has won too many Group races to count in the UK & Ireland whilst the Italian gns is also on his CV, such horses as Premier Loco, Ashdown Express, Mysilv “went on to be a star hurdler” Royal Rock & Missed Flight are just a few of the big success stories he’s trained.

I had Kenobe Star checked out before bidding and also trotted him up myself, he’s now grown and filled his frame and looks a really powerful type and without doubt the biggest horse we own. The time he was given to mature etc has done KS the world of good and he’s now ready to roll. I immediately sent the horse back to Chris who was delighted to keep him.

On paper the purchase looks very good business, we have a horse that cost best part of 26k last year is perfectly sound and ready to go, I bought him for 11k whilst we haven't spent money on training fees giving him the time he needed last year.

Kenobe Star was up to 75% fitness in 2014 and working with all of Mr Wall’s 2yo’s and going fine, he was holding his own with all of them and Chris has told me he never gave the impressing he wasn’t going to make it. We also have two bites of the cherry with KS on the flat then a switch to hurdles as he has plenty of stamina in his breeding.

This is a horse you can follow through his entire racing career whilst it’s not impossible he could be sold of a large profit if we so wish.

I’m making 20 shares available on a first come first served basis. Each share is £1600

This price covers the purchase, training fees & all other costs until September 30th 2015, seven months of racing with nothing else to pay.

If you would like any more information or to see a copy of his breeding please get in touch.


Value Racing Club, Winning Together